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Shakmat Modular Knight's Gallop

The Knight's Gallop is a one of a kind computational, voltage controlled rhythm generator. Its two channels allow for polyrhythmic results and its five modes like random, clock division or variations of the Euclidian Pattern generation will provide you with plenty of patterns.


  • Variable length sequences (up to 16 steps)
  • Length and Pulse Amount potentiometers and CV inputs
  • Shift + & Shift - buttons allowing to shift the sequence forward and backward
  • Main mode (MN) providing a lot of utlity modes for the second output : reset, no shift, invert and reverse
  • Compute mode (CP) calculating associated sequences for the second output delivering very musical polyrythms
  • Random mode (RD) adding randomness on the second output, 4 amounts of randomness determined by the sub mode
  • Dual mode (DL) allowing to set the two outputs seperatly
  • Record mode (RC) turning the Knight's Gallop into a “play your sequence on the buttons and record it” module, in this mode the pulse knob acts as a a mute - fully ccw - and a roll - fully cw.
  • Five different kind of tables for five different rythmic feelings : Divider Sequence, Classic Euclidean, Revised Euclidean, Erdos Deep and Divided Sequences.
  • User replaceable firmware chip
  • Hi-quality Elektron like push buttons
  • High quality metal potentiometer with DJTT double rubbered injected knobs


inputs: clock, reset
outputs: channe 1, channel 2
CV inputs: length, pulses amount


3U Eurorack module, 8HP wide, 22mm deep

0.2 kg